Trading Analysis
Stock trading requires more than merely placing an order. Investors with a solid understanding of the trading analysis techniques involved are well placed to profit from their technical skills.
Free articles
Introduction to Chart Patterns
Chart patterns are organized stock price behavior that is displayed visually on a stock chart which shows the supply and the demand for a company’s stock.
Introduction to Trade Management
A stock trader’s management strategy forms the basis for successful trading. Without it most stock traders simply end up losing money.
Introduction to Chart Indicators
Chart indicators are mathematical calculations that are preformed on a stock’s price and/or volume data and the resulting values are plotted on the stock’s chart.
Candlestick Basics
Candlestick charts displaying stock price data has gained popularity and is a common alternative to Bar charts.
The Benefits of Technical Analysis
The basis of technical analysis is to visually display a stock’s price history on a chart and study its price behavior.